Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Carlsbad, NM

The drive was only about 4 hours but the scenary was a little bland. We arrived around 3:30 MDT.

So you can see how we are progressing

Parked at the Carlsbad, NM KOA
The campground is in the middle of the desert but is very nice. Buildings, laundry, wirelss all look good!

Tomorrow we are going to the Carlsbad Caverns - It is supposed to be a pretty cool place!
We probably should have allowed more time here but hey we have many more years to go!


  1. We are enjoying the story.....I was having "comment" troubles that seem to have resolved. What is the temperature during the day and night? Air on? Dry heat?? haha Love the flowers!

  2. It is cool at night in the 50's. Today its supposed to be near 90. Nice "dry" heat. Blue sky's no clouds.
