Thursday, March 29, 2012

Carlsbad Caverns

Over 750,000 bats call it home. Unfortunately they were all on winter break in Mexico. They come home mid-April to early May.

If you are in the area you have to go! Even though we could not see the nightly bat departure for their feeding we toured the "Big Room". It is 850' underground. We took the elevator :) 1 minute trip. Or, if you are physically fit you can hike in and out via the 1.5 mile trail.

If you are traveling in a RV the road up is not bad but has some pretty windy and tight turns. If you don't have to take it, I wouldn't. Also, no pets so you either have to leave them behind or kennel them at the Caverns (for a fee of course). Any animals seen in vehicles results in a fine.

The "Big Room" has a nice 1.5 mile perimeter walkway that points out area's of the cavern and its history. Takes about an hour and half to walk around.


  1. I'm not sure I could be thrilled about thousands of bats flying around - or being 850 feet below ground. Are those things called stalagmites and stalagtites?? Something in my memory bank wants to call them that. What a beautiful vista view in the picture. Did Chew have to stay at the doggy day care?

  2. To be specific there were Stalactites, Stalagmite, Soda straws, Draperies, Flowstone, Helictites, Aragonite crystals and Rimstone dams!

    We knew in advance that chew couldn't go and that we should leave the RV behind. Glad we followed the advice.
