Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas at Nikki's

This year we had Christmas at Nikki's. Jackie and Tim drove up from Jacksonville, Florida and unfortunately Bill couldn't make it due to ticket prices....that's what happens when you wait to the last minute ;)

Because none of us have a large home we decided to divide and conquer. Nikki stayed at Travis's. Jackie and Tim at Nikki's and we stayed in our RV.  The first night Tim gave us all a little excitement. Due to the brain aneurysm he had years back his short term memory is very short. He got up to have a smoke and decided he needed more. So, at 3:40 in the morning he ventured off in his pajama's and no shoes in search for more. At approx 40 degree's it wasn't the best time to be roaming around the neighborhood in a t-shirt and no shoes!  At 3:45 Jackie called us and said he was missing. Then she called 911. Fortunately, by the time we got to Nikki's house, a good samaritan had reported him and the police had him in a cruiser. We picked him up and he was in good shape without a worry in the world. He had a new pack of smokes and to this day we aren't sure where they came from.
Kathy, Jackie and Tim

After that incident, Kathy started sleeping at Nikki's and discovered that Tim gets up about every hour to go out and have a smoke and each time he welcomed her with a bellowing  "Well Good Morning Kathy" at which she replied, Tim its {whatever time it was}, you need to go back to bed.  Needless to say her sleep wasn't the best.

We also, fried a Turkey this year for Christmas dinner. Nikki and Travis brought over a fryer and after making sure the turkey was well thawed we used a 2x4 long enough to keep us away from the pot to lower the turkey in.

Lowering the Turkey in

55 minutes of frying

One nice looking fried Turkey
Opening the presents

Travis found the pickle!

A hard long day. Stop making all that noise so I can sleep!

Santa arrives via boat in Wilmington
It was a fun week with a little corn hole too.

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