Monday, January 2, 2012

So what's happened since Thanksgiving.....

The first part of December was pretty quiet. On ABC Evening News we saw a small spot on Airlee Gardens in Wilmington and their Christmas display. It was a crisp and cold night when we decided to go. The light display was nicely done, including the 500,000 lego city. Pictures say it all!

The Lego display came complete with a full city monorail and candy mountain where workers were busy digging candy out and putting it in trains that hauled it away.
Giant Crayons
Sailboats in the ocean

A perfectly clear night.

The week before Christmas all of us flew to Colorado to see Bill graduate from Metro State. Nikki went from Friday through Monday and we stayed until the day after Christmas. The graduation was huge! Over 1,200 graduates and 3 hours long. 2 hours and 15 minutes until Bill's name was called! He has flooded the US with resumes now from California to South Carolina and everywhere in between.

The proud graduate

Colorado Convention Center - Graduation Day

On Thursday before Christmas, Wheat Ridge got about 10 inches of snow. It was nice to see knowing we would be leaving it.  We decided to go look at light displays and found a really cool house in Arvada (the neighboring city to Wheat Ridge) which was synchronized to music and sponsored by the local radio station. You an see it here: Arvada light house. A new window will open when you click on the link.

Bill, Kathy and I went to Arvada United Methodist Church for Christmas Eve services. It was very nice with the Christmas story told in music and scripture.

Opening presents on Christmas Day
What a tree!
Nikki's "Real" tree!

Christmas at Nikki's (before we left). Nikki made great Lasagna and we decorated her tree.

Our rice crispy house with a snowman, deer and other goodies took a while to assemble. I'm afraid we had some structural issues when it got warm. We probably could have used some supporting trusses as the roof started to bow in :)

Kathy and I took the red eye on the 26th arriving back in Wilmington around 12 noon. Both of us were exhausted and did nothing all day. Tuesday morning the 27th started at around 5 a.m. with me waking up with a severe headache, full body sweat and unable to stand or move because the whole room was spinning. I had been sick the week we were at Bills. Kathy could do nothing so she called an ambulance. After a bunch of tests I was admitted for more. After two days in the hospital the final prognosis was my cold settled in my inner ear causing vertigo and all the symptoms. All I know is Tuesday morning I really thought was going to be my last! I did have the best and most expensive physical for the new year. If you are ever in Wilmington and need a hospital with friendly and helpful staff go to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center.

After all that excitement, we had to move our RV from its October spot in the campground. It was the first time we have "packed" up since we got here. A good trial run for February, plus it was 70 degree's New Year's Day. 

Speaking of traveling, our trip begins February 11th when we head to Jacksonville, Florida for a week and spend some time with Kathy's sister and brother. After that, we are off to the gulf shores for some golf in the Pensacola, Florida area then up to Meridian, Mississippi and westward for the next couple of months. We have stops planned for the Grand Canyon, the Space Port where commercial space flights will be launched from in New Mexico, Area 51, and anything else that looks interesting. The blog will be updated at least weekly with pictures of our trip. You can follow us at Everytrail with real time travel tracking!

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