Monday, January 9, 2012

A beautiful Sunday at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher

Sunday was beautiful in Wilmington so we decided to go to the beach and visit the Aquarium at Fort Fisher. It's about 30 minutes south of Wilmington in Kure beach.

The Aquarium while a bit small had a lot of really nice exhibits and a outside walking trail explaining the vegetation and water foul in the area. Inside, all the regions of North Carolina were explained. They also had a hands on pond area where you could touch the various fish and shell fish. Kathy really enjoyed it. It is really amazing all the various species of fish that are in the area as well as some of the prehistoric findings they have had over the years.

Relaxing in the afternoon sun!

A hurricane water gauge outside was pretty impressive too. Seeing how much area is covered with 25' of water is something. Basically nothing is above water. The early 50's had such a hurricane.

We walked on the beach a bit from one end to the other and enjoyed the sun and breeze.

It's a great place to visit and spend the day. Cost is very reasonable at $8 a person for the aquarium. Beach and walking around Fort Fisher is free.
Enjoying the day!

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