Saturday, April 20, 2013

Louisville Slugger

Friday early afternoon Steve and Suzanne arrived. After a nice lunch at Cattleman's Steak House we went to the Louisville Slugger factory and museum via some quilt shop :( Steve and I stayed in the truck and talked.

The factory tour is cheap at $11 a person and runs every 30 minutes. It's worth the trip It's amazing how fast they can now turn a bat with all the automation. The museum is not large, but interesting,  including the lego display.

Late Friday night Tammy, Mike and Emily got here. We sat around and talked with everyone till around 11. No fire tonight. I forgot wood and the store was closed when I thought about it. Maybe tonight.

We had a 40 degree temperature swing from Thursday (85) to Friday (45) and it is supposed to be 35 for a low tonight! Brrrr......Anymore anything below 50 is cold to me!

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