Saturday, March 30, 2013

Going away party

Last night we had a great evening seating around the fire, eating, drinking and just having a good time.
Everyone brought a dish and started around 4:30. Most of us are leaving in the next few weeks. It was nice getting to know everyone and playing some Euchre. Jim and Mary leave 4/1. They are from Connecticut and were workampers at the KOA. They are going back to Connecticut to work for the summer and will be back here in September. Mike and Joy are from England and will be going back 4/16. They spend 6 months here (one of their sons goes to school here) and 6 months in England. Howard is going back the end of the month. He is from Ontario, Canada and spends 6 months here and 6 months there. Laura who we met this year just retired from the Marines and is going to school at University of North Carolina. She has a 5th wheel and is staying here until she is done. The summer workampers Dave and Kathy seemed very nice. They are here until September when Jim and Mary get back.

Looking forward to stories from the summer when we all get back together.

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