Monday, October 29, 2012

See Ya - Sandy

Fortunately, Sandy stayed about 300+ miles off the coast and did not have a significant impact on southern North Carolina.  It started raining Friday night and rained very heavy through Sunday morning. Winds stayed around 30-35 mph with gusts to 60 but nothing really that bad. The area had 3 to 8 inches of rain depending on where you were. We were around 4 inches.

NC was spared, unlike the looks of Delaware, New Jersey and New York. Hope everyone we know in those states makes it through ok!!!

1 comment:

  1. Newark got a lot of rain and wind, but on our hill we did not flood nor did we lose electricity at all. One of our sump pumps was busy, but that's because of a leak in a cement block. Now what do we do with all those bottles of water and extra batteries? The beach towns were hit hard, however, and the main road to the beach is still closed. Could have been a lot worse!
