Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A weekend excursion

Bill's furniture has been in storage at Steve and Suzanne's house in Dearborn, MI since we left there last fall. This past weekend Steve and Suzanne loaded up a trailer they borrowed from Scott Klapper in Saline, MI and met us in Winterset, IA.  Bill got a trailer from a friend in Carbondale.

What a marathon trip! Steve and Suzanne drove about 10 1/2 hours from Michigan and we drove about 12 1/2 from Colorado. Had a nice dinner at a Mexican restaurant Saturday night in town and both left at 6 a.m. Sunday to return home. By 9 pm MDT all of Bill's stuff was unloaded and the trailer returned!

No trailer issues on either end made it a hassle free trip.
Oh what fun!

Winterset, IA

1 comment:

  1. I think I miss the grandfather clock. I might have to get one!
