Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Day RV Cooking

This Thanksgiving was a little different for cooking. First of all RV ovens tend to be much smaller than a conventional oven. So cooking a Turkey in the oven (a large one anyway) will not work.

In our case, a few pies and some green bean casserole worked great. One thing I  found is preheating the oven is very important. It's small enough that if you put something in too soon it burns the bottom, and there is no preheat indicator to tell you when its at the right temp. If you really want to be sure a external thermometer is a must.

We went to Nikki's boyfriends (Mike) parents house for dinner. It was great! Lots of turkey, dressing, all the standard fixin's including corn bread that Nikki cooked that was really good.

We have rival families. Mike's mom is a die hard Packers fan, his dad a Dallas fan. Nikki and I wore our Detroit Lions shirts and started trash talk as soon as we got there. Well maybe me more than Nikki. Unfortunately, Detroit didn't show up for the game and it was an embarrassment!

That aside, we played a game outside that Kathy bought at a craft show which uses two nets that set up horizontal to the ground and have three rings. The object is to hit golf balls that are attached to birdie's, much like badminton birdies in the nets to score points with a pitching wedge. Scoring is the same as ladder golf.

When Kathy bought the game the seller mentioned getting some indoor/outdoor carpet for the pitching area's.  Definitely need that unless you want a yard with a lot of divots!  We stopped early and I put it away when no one was playing because I thought it would destroy Brian's yard. Then after dinner everyone wanted to play....OOPS!  Kathy gets the game and never got to play. We will have to set it up at the campground and play.

I was a nice day. Friday not much happening and will be going out to dinner later.

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