Monday, July 18, 2011

The start

How exciting and overwhelming at the same time. We plan to hit the road towards Georgia or North Carolina by October of this year. There is soooooooooo much to get ready. Picking the right place to be for a few months, getting rid of the house contents, we don't plan to store anything. We are making one big plunge!  Last night we created the "list" of things we need for the trip, for the 5th wheel and things we need to get done before we leave as well as things we want but suspect we can't bring.

We have decided since we are leaving our Michigan home of 20+ years that we will become residents of Florida for registration and voting using the Good Sam Service. We've heard nothing but good things about them.

The plan now is 6 months near our daughter who currently lives in North Carolina but looks like is moving to Georgia (near Atlanta) for a job and 6 months in Aurora, Co near our son. If they get tired of us or us of them, well we'll move on to the next place we decide.

Still working and not retired, I plan to work from my RV now instead of the house. But how much more relaxing could this be!  My wife is a teacher and she is not sure what she will do next.....still a thought in progress.

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